Finding New York (pt.1)

August 21, 2013 § 5 Comments

The past few days, I had a chance to explore New York City. Growing up, I always loved coming into the city with friends, but when you’re young, it’s hard to really find New York and its culture, its people, its beauty. A lot of times we would just stay around Times Square or the Rockefeller area. Now that I’m older and have friends working in the city, I’ve been able to explore more neighborhoods. Here’s a look of my past few days:
NY1Walking down the High Line, I couldn’t help but feel how out of place and integral this park was at the same time. Above the bustling streets of the city below, this calm walkway is like an escape from reality. It truly is beautiful and if you get a chance, I definitely recommend it. It’s especially amazing when there aren’t as many people about.
NY2On the High Line, you can find a lot of food options, from popsicles to BBQ. Of course, I went with a Hazelnut Gelato that I snacked on as I enjoyed the view from one of the many seating areas. 
photo 3After the High Line I headed down to Bleeker Street to stop at Magnolia Bakery for their famous banana pudding.
NY3I also explored the South Street Seaport, where they have a nice view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the popular Beekman Beer Garden. I spent the afternoon having lunch and enjoying the view. photo 1

And of course, I had to have the famous chicken over rice from a food cart.

I’m here for a few more days, if you have any recommendations of where to go, leave them in the comment section.


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